Jan 13, 2009


i love writing, and i have been doing a lot of it lately. i've been writing articles, press releases, sponsor newsletters and website copy. it's the reason i haven't been writing much here lately.

but, some of my writing here has been tweaked and expanded a bit and is now featured somewhere other than here. somewhere way cooler. which is enormously exciting. so this post is just to shamelessly toot my own horn and tell y'all to go read the same thing that you may have once read here, over there. cause it's a new and improved, expanded edition. complete with interview with our good friend who started all the madness that prompted the first post in the first place.


Cindy said...

that's exciting! you are forgiven for lack of blog posts.

Stuart said...

That's awesome, congrats! Jeez next you'll be podcasting!

Anonymous said...

That's super exciting, and it's never a bad thing to toot your own horn!

ItchyBits said...

glad you are able to do something else that you love to do - lucky girl

sarah said...

That's fantastic =)

house on hill road said...

i read it last night. congrats!

Duane said...

Sure, so you got an article published in CX mag. Call me when you're on the cover.

Nat said...

Nothing like seeing your work in print is there?


Judi said...

that is totally awesome! you should be bragging all over facebook too!

Groover said...

Congratulations! That's great but not entirely unexpected. Is the world finally waking up and recognising your talent? Ghee, they took their time ... :-) No seriously. This is soooo cooool!

Anonymous said...

WAY cool!

Frayed Laces said...

wow congrats!

Gotta Run..... said...

Now I am thrilled and impressed!!!

Nancy said...

Congrats, Sister - it was only a matter of time before you were discovered. :D

How've you been?
