Mar 6, 2008


don't say anything to my it band or my knee, because i don't want to put the whammy on anything; but we all went for a little run today. and nothing hurt. granted, it was so agonizingly slow, they may not have even known we were running. they may have just thought we were up and about and cleaning the house for 4.6 miles. i'm trying to play it cool. i didn't even smile while we were all out happily running. we've been here before, this little test run where nothing hurt and i get all jacked up and excited over how i am out of the woods only to find myself back in them again. so, you did not hear that i went for a pain free 4.6 miles from me. i'm not talking. i don't want them to hear me or think i am even remotely optimistic.


Anonymous said...

wonderful !!

you're so funny...........


Nibbles said...

Hey, that's still encouraging! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I heard nothing. :)

house on hill road said...

what? i thought you were saying something, but i only saw your lips moving. i must have been mistaken.

Gotta Run..... said...

Your secrect is safe with me!!!

can not wait to here about the next 4.6 mile run... oh I mean cleaning :)

Nancy said...

Hmmm, I think you clean faster than I run. Do you hire out? :D

Anonymous said...

I won't say a word. secrets are safe with me!

Andria said...

Shhh, I won't tell on you.

Anonymous said...

I won't tell them if you don't let my hips know ok?

(Just swung by...