Jul 29, 2008

good choice

when i went out today without the 12 year old because he's too embarrassed to hang out with his mom and his little sisters', i bought him a book. and when i brought it home and gave it to him he barely noticed because he was too busy on his computer game, and i think probably embarrassed that his mom bought him a book. did he have to read it? was it required summer reading? but that choice i made tonight about staying home with the kids, skipping my ride, organizing the office and cleaning the fridge? turned out to be a good one.

the fridge still has rotting zucchini in it, and there are un-filed papers all over the office. but i made a delicious dinner that the kids and i sat down to enjoy together that was not mac & cheese. and after dinner, my 12 year old (voluntarily) sat on the couch to read the new book i bought him. (and mostly, this is because the computer is out of commission due to the fact that the fan on the computer was working overtime to compensate for the fact that for some reason the heat is cranked in this office & will not go off). so i sat next to him while he read the book his embarrassing mom bought him with the new book i bought myself and tried not to look like i was hanging out with him. we were just two people reading books. separately but together. he giggled and shared funny tidbits from his book. he inched closer to me. said the boy in book could be him. which he said disturbed him a bit because of the title. but still. he liked it. we laughed together.

i knew he'd like it. these windows of opportunity of hanging out with your 12 year old and them actually enjoying it are few and far between. i'm glad i didn't go for that ride.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

definitely a good choice. life is too short and precious. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep. Those little moments are wonderful! Hmmm... maybe the stuck heat is a wee tiny bit of serendipity.

house on hill road said...

sounds like it was good for both of you.

Vickie said...

Few and far between and will end sooner than you wish. He will remember this time though.

RunToTheFinish said...

those are the moments he'll remember and relish in the future.

Anonymous said...

What great memories! Much better than a bike ride. I had a visual of you both sitting there reading and sharing. Very sweet.

ItchyBits said...

My son who is also 12 loved that book and has also read the second one that came out. He sat down and read it cover to cover without me having to nag him to spend time reading. Now he is trying to get through Hatchet.

Stuart said...

Good choice indeed, I can't even imagine what my life will be like when our eldest will be 12!

Unknown said...

Both of my kids gobbled up that book.. .it's a real winner. :)

Gotta Run..... said...

You are a very good mother!!! Hardcore fitness freak but a wonderful mom... ;)

Nibbles said...

Hi Zanne,

Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you on my little hiatus ... your transformation and resulting happiness has inspired me to follow my heart, do what felt good, and cross over to the dark side that is tri- and duathlon. I'll be racing my first du in October and have decided to race the half-marathon in Columbus instead. I might start up the blog again soon. Keep riding, and keep posting those great posts! Your blog is fabulous.


Nancy said...

I'm so glad for you. I see the moments getting less and less, been trying to cherish them all.

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's cute. I'm glad you had some fleeting together time with him.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Oh, that's great. :)

By the way, I really wish my little nephew would hurry up and learn to read, dammit. There are so many books I need to show him already and now here's another one!