among other things, it said the following:

you bet i am a runner.
i didn’t run 600 miles in 126 days and stand by various water fountains around town every long run sunday gagging on orange burst gu for nothing.
i better be a runner.
because i’ve sucked wind and brought up the rear of 10 big dog runs. i’ve done 36 mile repeats. i’ve lost 3 toenails and two boobs. i’ve swallowed 3 bottles full of ibuprofen (the big bottles - but not all at once). i’ve given copious amounts of money to hammer nutrition. i have sent umpteen panic emails to coach. i'm not sure how many times i needed to be talked off the ledge. maybe a handful. and i don’t even know how many times i told my husband “not tonight honey, i have a big dog run in the morning”. i’ve lived in my running clothes & a ponytail. i have sobbed in the pre-dawn darkness during mile repeats. i have cried stretching on my front stoop from the sheer punch drunk bliss of a run. i have white knuckled my way through club rides for cross training. i dropped more money on a single pair of running sneakers than i have ever dropped on shoes in my life. and i like shoes. i got a lot of them. only now i live in my slides cause they're the most comfortable after a run. i gave up gumdrops. sort of. okay, i snuck a few. but mostly i gave them up. i played countless mindgames during pool runs. i've come up with more haikus than i care to count. i hated those pool runs just about as many times as i finally learned to love them. i doubted myself dozens of times. i felt defeated, slow and discouraged a bunch. and i've been high as a kite iamrunnerwomanhearmeroar invincible just as many times, if not more.
yeah. i am a runner.
and i got my mojo back yesterday.
just in time. cause it looks like i'm registered for a marathon.
i love this post !!
and you!!
you will be awesome!!
because you are..........
i have tears in my eyes. i am so proud of you, suzanne. you will do great - i know it.
You are awesome and you are SO ready.
He sounds like a pretty nice guy, I probably wouldn't say, "not tonight" too many times... :) :D :)
I don't know if my tears are from laughing or just being so proud of my running warrior girlfriend. Either way, my mind and heart will be with you on Sunday, Zanne... for at least three hours and forty five minutes. ;-)
Go knock 'em dead in Columbus.
haiku for u:
you ARE a runner
a runner without toenails
columbus is here
beautiful! just found your blog and you can bet i'll be tuning on regularly.... i LOVE when a run feels so good that you have to cry. best for your marathon this weekend - you. will. be. awesome.
What an awesome post. You've worked so hard. You're tough. You're strong willed. You're fast. (Really fast!!) You're going to do GREAT!!! :)
ahaha..I got that email today too and it cracked me up! "You are a runner".
Good luck Suzanne, I'll keep an eye out for the Marathon Mobile!
Best post I read all day. :)
Now that is the way you go into a race!! You are focused and you are ready. Now all you need is the start and finish line.
Boston here you come!!!!
BTW - we all want to see lots of pictures.
what a great email from them! I think it's always fun to see how different marathons support their runners.
Good luck speedy gonzalez!
I hope you got some sleep. :D I was up when you were and then half the night with a little boy who kept saying, "mommy, I don't feel good."
Dang right ur a Runner, Enjoy IT!!
You are going to have a great time tomorrow, You are ready!!!
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