so. my husband and i have a side gig (in addition to his full time job and my very sporadic, occassional part time help at said full time job). both gigs include doing a lot of website work (creating them) much of which can be done from home. now, my husband can sit at the computer every single night & crank out a bunch of work. but the minute i sit down to work, the badgering starts. where is this? where is that? i am hungry. can i get on the computer?
so i say to my daughter and badgerer of the moment:
how is it that daddy can work from home and nobody bothers him?
she responds: because daddy doesn't know where everything in the house is.
I LOVE IT!!!! That had to make you feel good.
That's the same reason my husband never makes my kids anything to eat... because "Dad doesn't know where the pots and pans are". And I have the sneaky suspicion he's not that eager to find out.
Gotta love the husbands.
Ah but the big qustion is "where's the butter"?
that reminds me of the old family favorite: "moms are the best, because they always know where your guns are."
spoken in the fifties when there was usually a game of cowboys and indians going on somewhere in the zanne's uncle.....decked in his chaps and holster.
seems that the tradition continues !!! : )
wondering which girl....
tall girl running & slb ... my husband rocks & i never gripe about him or the fact that he can never find anything - :-) ... so i'll preface this with the fact that he was making breakfast for the kids while i was blogging, um, i mean working; but i swear - a mere NANO-SECOND after i hit 'publish post', my husband comes in the room and asks me where the ladle is. yeah - its' front & center in the big utensil canister right in front of griddle where he is making pancakes. gotta love it. think he even touched it looking around for it.
mom - yes ... i totally know where all of henry's guns are - he's got every variation of nerf gun stacked up on a little rack in his room!
house: it was bella.
Too funny!
You do know that men are selectively/conveniently dumb about things like that?
LMAO... sounds like something my son would say.
Ah, strategic ignorance, I suspect. :)
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