it's done. i just crossed the last square off my schedule. well, not quite the last. there's one more. i remember this day last year. this last-workout-before-the-marathon. i came home and sobbed in my kitchen, overwhelmed by the sense of accomplishment. i thought that the marathon would just be the icing on the cake. finishing the training & getting to the starting line was enough. this year, i am not sobbing in my kitchen. now i'm blogging in my kitchen. i came home elated & feeling ready. just one more task at hand. the icing on the cake will be the numbers on the clock at the finish.
before the marathon mobile rolls out in t-minus 2 and a half hours, i wanted to say thank you to everyone who takes time out of their own adventures in running and life to read about mine. i am enormously grateful for this solidarity that we all share. your stories of your lives & running, your comments and emails provide such support and inspiration. and i'm thrilled i decided to share mine with you all. thank you.
good luck; you're going to be awesome out there...!
And tomorrow we will KICK ASS!!
Run, Zanne, run! You're gonna do GREAT!!!
BEST OF LUCK. And try to remember to ENJOY it, too!!
Can't wait to read it here. :D
I can't wait to hear the news! (Actually, I probably WON'T wait to hear -- I'll go to the Columbus Marathon results page and look it up myself.)
Suzanne, best of luck! You know I will be waiting to hear!
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in the race. Trust your training, and have a great run!
GOOD LUCK! You are gonna rock it tomorrow!!! Can't wait to read your race report!!!
Go Suzanne, go! 5 miles down: 40:17! Way to go!
Just got back from my little run to see Suzanne has now gone through the half way point at 1:49:07! Woo hoo! Hope you're still feeling good!
Now through 20--2:51:11! She's getting close!
3:44:16? Is that right??
By now the marathon is over, but I can't wait to hear how you did. Congrats on all your hard work and butt-kicking!
It's still displaying "estimated time" of 3:44:16. In about 10 minutes we should know for sure!!!
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