Aug 3, 2007


i got up this morning at 5 am to drive 25 minutes to run 3 miles. thats a lot of effort to run 3 little miles on an easy day in an easy week. but this run on this route just had to be done. it's the route that begins and ends at my childhood home. the same home that currently has a for sale sign out front.

i wasn't a runner growing up ... i just ran occassionally in high school. it was more of a casual, sporadic thing. but this was my route. around pear tree point. exactly 3 miles. always - it never varied. down the street, cross the post road, past the pretty houses, over the stone bridge, down to the little harbor & the beach, up the big hill, down past the farms, over the stone bridge again & back home.

smell the salt air.
watch the fog lift.
see the sun come up.
stretch on front steps of childhood home one last time.


Anonymous said...

you are making me teary.

Tall Girl Running said...

My parents sold and moved out of my childhood home just three months ago. Quite a bittersweet experience to say goodbye, isn't it? Good for you for taking advantage of that opportunity.

Unknown said...

A few years after my parents moved from the house/town that I grew up in I came back for a high school reunion and joined a friend mountain biking in the woods behind my old house. I was hard core into mountain biking at the time, and I remember thinking the hills of Connecticut would be no match for the mountains of Washington state. WRONG! They totally whipped my butt (actually, another delicate part of my body, but that's probably TMI).

Gotta Run..... said...

Goodness... are you back from vacation yet?? If you aren't than I am getting pissed. I am jealous and want everyone to not be on vacation if I can not. LOL!!!

Nice surf!!

I am having drama with my knee and need you :)

Vickie said...

Ah nostalgia! But it was worth it, I'm sure.