Oct 3, 2007


i never thought i'd enjoy a pool run as much as i did today. my pregnant pool running partner had her baby a few weeks ago, and my friend who had joined me for the last couple of weeks while recovering from her brain surgery has returned to work.

so today, it was just me.
and my old friend, waterproof ipod.

there's something to be said for the pool runs with a friend ... its fun to catch up & chat. but i think the timing for today's solo pool run couldn't have been more perfect.

because i didn't have to talk.
i could listen to my new tunes.
close my eyes.
feel myself moving through the water.
long, strong, stretchy strides
watch the reflection of the window on the water
every lane is occupied. but i am the only one there.
slow motion running through water.
visualize the finish line i'll be crossing in 17 days
remember all the familiar spots.
turn the corner. see the finish line. run strong.
it's all right in front of me.
i can see it. close my eyes again.
dunk under water. hear the music in my ears.
stretch. breathe.
i like this place.

for all the worrying i do, i am thankful that this is one thing i can do - and i daresay, i do it fairly well - this visualization of the race. it always calms me ... when i told coach last week about my mini panic attacks that would stop by to visit unannounced, he reminded me to visualize the race. most importantly, the finish.

i got it. the visual - its all in my head.
now to keep it there.
to stay in this place.
and hope that the visual is stronger than the panic & doubt.
stay. in. this. place.


Anonymous said...

i wish i could be there. i so do.

Anonymous said...


Vickie said...

I can visualize that finish line too, so I will be thinking of it and you crossing the line in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Sending calming thoughts your way. :)

Pool running sounds nice! I wonder if there's a pool here where I could do it and not get - what's the aquatic equivalent of trampled?

Unknown said...

Although I can't be there, you know I'll be sending my "finish strong" vibes your way!

I'm looking forward to pool running too. My pool has a couple of water exercise classes, and I just bought a water belt (I'm not a bad-arse like you -- I need help to stay buoyant!)

MiaStella said...

Yes...it's all in your head. So...quit freaking out! You have done the work, now it's just another run! A fast one....but one you can do.

zanne said...

haha. am not freaking out anymore. its all good.

Nancy said...

Did you know that visualization is one of the best practices of elite, successful athletes? Sure you did, I'm sure that's why you were doing it. :)

RunToTheFinish said...

you might be the first person who has ever made pool running sound enjoyable to me. never tried it...but maybe someday I will.

zanne said...

amanda - it took about 2 months for my legs to figure out that this was a good thing ... took my head a bit longer (this is par for the course) ... but finally, finally - it isn't that bad! i highly recommend tunes or a friend, though!

Gotta Run..... said...

You are in the zone!!! Stay there as long as you can.